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Re: glibc 2 for Debian/SPARC

Eric Delaunay <delaunay@lix.polytechnique.fr> writes:
> - when my libc6 for Sparc will be ready, should I try to merge
> changes to current Debian glibc sources, or just upload binary
> packages and wait for an official release that support SparcLINUX?

Well, there's some ethical questions associated with only having a
binary release---is there somewhere you can make your sparc-specific
sources available?  This is what I did with the alpha.

> - which gcc release should be used to build programs for libc6? (gcc

2.7.2->'s changes were, to my knowledge, all i386 oriented.
I'd use whichever is easiest to build.

> - which packages should absolutely be rebuilt to provide a basic
> development system based on libc6?

Look at the list of alpha packages available for a good
idea---although we're starting to get to where we have a lot of other
stuff available.

> - which dynamic loader is used to run binaries? I saw that libc6
> provides its own loader, named ld-linux.so.2.  The latest ldso
> package says it works with libc6 but provides ld-linux.so.1.  So, is
> ldso package still needed?

Depends on the platform.  On the alpha we use the ld-linux.so.2 that's
provided with glibc.  I suspect you'd want to do the same.

Michael Alan Dorman                                   Head of Systems
mdorman@calder.med.miami.edu            Louis Calder Memorial Library
(305) 243-5530                 University of Miami School of Medicine 

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