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Re: ncurses4.0

Christoph <debian@waterf.org> writes:
> There is no documentation to figure out which emulation to use with
> which program.  Works fine with Linux console and X but I have never
> been able to locate a satisfactory emulation nor documentation for

Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to say, but it seems to
me that the specific issue you state is hardly an ncurses issue.

The programs you are using have a responsibility to document what sort
of terminal they emulate (in almost all of these cases, I would expect

However, your statements above seem to be suggesting that the ncurses
people should be responsible for such documentation, which, I think
you'll agree, is not the proper allocation of responsibility.

> Maybe I just have not spend enough time researching the issue and do
> not know where to look for information. But as far as I can tell
> ncurses3 does not implement any of the standard terminal emulations
> in a comphrehensive correct way except Linux console mode.

I can only say that I think you misunderstand the role ncurses plays.

Which doesn't change the fact that ncurses *is* a big PITA, but I
think the problems you're having have other sources.

> If ncurses4 fixes these problem then I would consider this a very
> important bug fix for frozen. Never heard of ncurses4 before though.

This is not suitable for a bug fix, since it would require recompiling
every binary package that depends on ncurses.


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