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Package (possibly) available: mgetty


I had previously handed mgetty over to Siggy Brentrup.  I have
recently received a message indicating that his computer & Debian
stuff has been destroyed in fire.

I have no real way to confirm that.

There are some new bug reports pending for mgetty.  I handed it over
to Siggy because I no longer have the time to maintain mgetty like I
would like to (due to another job that I have taken).

It would be good if somebody would take mgetty, at least temporarily,
until Siggy is able to do so again.  OTOH, if he is unable to do
any Debian development work for some time, perhaps a permanent
maintainer for mgetty is needed.

mgetty is a very useful program and I hope that somebody will take
it.  If nobody does, it could be up to a month before I am able to
even take another look at it.

Siggy: If you are able to read this, please let me know ASAP...

John Goerzen

PS...when I say mgetty, I mean the mgetty source package and the
binary packages it generates: mgetty, mgetty-doc, mgetty-fax, and
(possibly) mgetty-voice.

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