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Re: Debian CD creation scripts

Bruce said:
> A rough cut at Debian CD creation scripts is in the package "debian-cd",
> probably still sitting in Incoming. There are many ways this could be
> improved. Anyone want to help?

I fetched the debian-cd package from

1.  It looks as if the files in disks-i386 will be written to the CD-ROM
    twice: once when they are copied into the directory /boot, and once
    within the $RELEASE archive.  

2.  It might be a good idea if the make_boot_directory function in
    cd_functions.sh were to include a clean-up line, like this:
          (mkdir $tmp; cd $tmp; unzip $ARCHIVE/tools/lodlin*.zip)
          cp $tmp/*/*.EXE $ARCHIVE/boot
     ==>  rm -r $tmp
3.  It would probably be a good idea to provide a variable in vars.sh
    by which people can configure the filesystem where they want to write
    the iso file being produced.  

I can test the script by making a CD-ROM with the script and then trying
it as a boot device on some machine here.  I suppose it would be useful
to know its relative priority, i.e., is feedback urgently needed on
a time scale of a couple of days or is a week OK?


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