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Re: Upgrade procedure for tetex

cjf@netaxs.com (Chris Fearnley)  wrote on 04.03.97 in <[🔎] 199703040557.AAA07011@unix3.netaxs.com>:

> But that problem is the crux.  I found the other suggestions
> unsatisfactory.  Any package that breaks dselect is broken and should
> be fixed.  tetex is fixable.  Wishing that dpkg has some feature that
> it doesn't have is NOT easily fixable.

It really seems to boil down to this:

You find that the packaging makes teTeX completely unacceptable.

All the others seem to think that the contents make the old Debian TeX  
completely unacceptable.

I'd like to understand where you are coming from.

*Do* you use TeX?

Do you really think that packaging problems, while important, are more  
serious than content problems?

I've not yet seen somebody say "I use the old TeX, and I'd rather continue  
to use it than work around some problems while upgrading". Those people,  
however, are the *only* people that would profit from your position.

So, I'm essentially questioning your priorities. They look reversed to me.

Note that I don't say that we should not improve the teTeX packaging.

As for your suggestions, it was very unclear what problems these were  
supposed to solve, and how.

MfG Kai

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