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Re: Polisy question.

Hakan Ardo <hakan@debian.org> writes:

>   domains
>   users
>   news
>   weather
> Now, I have two problems. First the naming of the packages. Shall them all
> start with facesdb or something to indicate that, or is the names used
> above acceptable?

Please don't use the above names - they are far too general.  Starting
them all with facesdb is ok.

> Second, the Recommends: and Suggest: fields of xfaces, what should they
> include? The xfaces isn't realy usfully without a faces database, but you
> sertany don't need all of them.

Use a virtual package.  All of the database packages would provide
xfacesdb, and xfaces would recommend xfacesdb.  Do use recommends, not
suggests, if the package us useless without a database.


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