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Re: CD issues

davidm@fuzzbox.psrg.cs.usyd.edu.au (David Monro)  wrote on 27.01.97 in <[🔎] ML-2.3.854323280.1942.davidm@fuzzbox.psrg.cs.usyd.edu.au>:

> kernel - this should solve some problems (like machines with ne2000 cards
> locking up on boot - I know how to get around this, but does a newbie?) This

I've wondered - would it be a solution to this particular problem to  
always probe for ne2000 cards, first, so the kernel can reserve those  
ports and keep other stuff from probing them?

This is one of the most annoying hardware misdesigns on earth. I've seen  
it lock other software, not only Linux.

MfG Kai

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