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Re: Bug#6394: dpkg: dselect's treatment of Recommends

maor@ece.utexas.edu (Guy Maor)  wrote on 02.01.97 in <[🔎] 87k9pvu4is.fsf@slip-86-11.ots.utexas.edu>:

> joey@kite.ml.org (Joey Hess) writes:
> > I suggest that dselect be changed to handle recommends more like it
> > currently handles suggests.
> I don't think that's a good idea.  The problem is that recommends is
> being used when suggests would be more appropriate.  I expect
> appropriate uses of Recommends to be rare.

Even if it should be rare, it should still be handled more like suggests.  
Note that "more like" doesn't mean "exactly like".

I do think that the following scenario can only be considered a bug:

* Go through [S]elect
* Tell dselect to ignore a specific Recommends
* leave [S]elect
* reenter [S]elect because you forgot to select some unrelated package
* dselect again forces you to override that Recommends, even though you
  didn't change anything about the packages in question and didn't even
  leave dselect!

This can't be right. If I made a decision, I don't want a program to try  
to circumvent it every chance it gets.

MfG Kai

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