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Re: Bug#6394: dpkg: dselect's treatment of Recommends

Guy Maor <maor@ece.utexas.edu> wrote:
>joey@kite.ml.org (Joey Hess) writes:
>> I suggest that dselect be changed to handle recommends more like it 
>> currently handles suggests.
>I don't think that's a good idea.  The problem is that recommends is
>being used when suggests would be more appropriate.  I expect
>appropriate uses of Recommends to be rare.

True... maybe dselect should pop up the conflict resolution screen, saying
"Package xyz, which is recommended by abc, was not selected. I have
selected it for you by default; you may deselect it and I will not bother
you again." Naturally, this would be done at the end of the package
selection. :-)

That would resolve most of the issues with Recommends: the package would
be selected by default, but dselect wouldn't complain again if it is
deselected. 'Course, there may be valid reasons not to do this... :-)

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