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Re: What happened to perl's strict.pm?

On Mon 29 Dec 1997, Paul Slootman wrote:

> Investigation shows that strict.pm used to be part of the `perl'
> package, but now has disappeared. However, Getopt/Long.pm still
> references it...

Amazing. I restored the 'bo' system, and restarted the upgrade process.
Now that I had all the packages I needed for the upgrade, the problem
I reported disappeared. It all went relatively smoothly this time.  Only
thing that was curious is that e2fsprogsg didn't get selected
automatically by dselect. Oh well.

Upon reflection, what probably happened was that I had the new
perl-base, but not the new perl. Perl-base got installed, and then I
ftp'ed perl and installed that. Replacing the old perl with the new one
probably removed the strict.pl which used to belong to the old perl, but
is now part of perl-base.

Paul Slootman
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