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Debhelper for a libc5-based system?

I just uploaded a libc6 version of r-base, a package for statistical
computing and graphics.  I would also like to create a libc5-based
version of this package.  Even if it doesn't get into the official
Debian distributions it will be helpful for several people who run
libc5-based systems.

I used debhelper scripts throughout my debian/rules file.
Unfortunately it appears that the debhelper package is not available
in either the bo or the bo-updates areas.

I can think of a few different approaches:
 - stay on the hamm system and use the altdev packages to compile a
   libc5-based version.  This probably will not work because r-base
   requires g77 for compilation and I don't think there is a g77-altdev
 - try to install enough of debhelper on a bo system to make the
   current debian/rules work.
 - replace the debhelper constructions in the debian/rules

I would appreciate any suggestions.  If replying to the list please
also send a cc: to me.  It seems that I have been dropped from
debian-devel.  Either that or the list has been extraordinarily quiet
for the last week :-)

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