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Re: 2.0.32, XNvidia, Vtk

>>>>> "Arto" == Arto Astala <astala@tnso13.tele.nokia.fi> writes:

    Arto> When configuring kernel it asks if I want to make boot disk.
    Arto> I did want. Then it asks something like "Hmm. You seem to
    Arto> have new superformat, want to use it?" and I felt I'm taking
    Arto> risks already and I don't want to answer yes to anything
    Arto> this dubious.  Then it tried to create floppy with old
    Arto> format (and with non-existing device as well?) but didn't
    Arto> succeed. There was no obvious way to back up to "Hmmm. ..."
    Arto> or otherwise correct the situation.

 I've found that during installation, I often want a way to go back to
 the previous thing like that, in case I've made a mistake.

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