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Re: Service registration

>>"Guy" == Guy Maor <maor@1Cust8.max37.los-angeles.ca.ms.uu.net> writes:

Guy> Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@datasync.com> writes:
>> This will not work for packages like Gnus, bbdb, w3, hyperbole, vm,
>> and psgml, since the compilation requires selectively preloading
>> some files, or even running complex build-scripts during the
>> compilation of the elisp files.

Guy> Why can't they be run from the hook then?  The client can
Guy> register its build script.  The server (different versions of
Guy> emacs or xemacs) would then run the build script, compiling it to
Guy> its own byte code.

	Because the normal build process is to say make build; and it
 may need files that may not be available. Also, a script is not easy
 to build from a complex multi directory make process: case in point:
 tm-7.106. I maintain a local deb package (I have no real reason for
 not using the official package), so I know how complex that is.

	Please do not misunderstand me, I like the proposal, but it
 does not solve all the problems for all elisp packages.

	We still need an elisp solution for packages like tm.

 whi like his random sig generator
 The length of debate varies inversely with the complexity of the
 issue. Robert Knowles
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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