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Libc6 progress for contrib and non-free (Dec 1997)

This is a list similar to the "Libc6 progress" list, but for contrib
and non-free.  Because source code is not available for many of these
packages, it will not be possible to convert all of them to libc6.

This list has had much less scrutiny than the other one, and is
therefore more likely to contain errors.

There are 24 packages from contrib on this list, and 53 from non-free.

I will not be maintaining this list the way I do the other one (it
would be too much work), but I may occasionally post a new version.
(I'm posting this one because I have received requests for such a list).

Nicolas Lichtmaier <nick@feedback.com.ar>:
  non-free: btoa-5.2.1-2

Susan G. Kleinmann <sgk@kleinmann.com>:
  non-free: netpbm-dev-1994.03.01p1-6
  non-free: netpbm-1994.03.01p1-6
  non-free: ckermit-192-4(extra)

Jeroen van der Most <jvdmost@wi.leidenuniv.nl>:
  non-free: dmalloc-3.1.2-1

David Engel <david@sw.ods.com>:
  non-free: networker-4.2-1

Heiko Schlittermann <heiko@lotte.sax.de>:
  non-free: qt1g-1.31-1.3
  contrib: logwrites-1.1-3
  contrib: dbf2mysql-1.10b-2
  non-free: qt-dev-1.31-1
  non-free: xforms0.86-0.86-2
  non-free: xforms-dev-0.86-2

Santiago Vila <sanvila@ctv.es>:
  non-free: pico-3.96L-2
  non-free: pine-3.96L-2

Bdale Garbee <bdale@gag.com>:
  non-free: xtrkcad-1.2.1-2

Alexander Yukhimets <aqy6633@is5.nyu.edu>:
  contrib: ddd-dmotif-2.1.1-2
  contrib: ddd-smotif-2.1.1-2

Johnie Ingram <johnie@debian.org>:
  contrib: metrox-3.1.2-1(extra)

Luca Maranzano <liuk@linux.it>:
  contrib: xisp-2.1-1

Colin R. Telmer <telmerco@debian.org>:
  non-free: oonsoo-1.1-6 (Mixed dependencies)

Christian Meder <meder@control.toronto.edu>:
  non-free: afbackup-2.6-1

Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com>:
  contrib: kaffe-0.7.1-2
  non-free: xmayday-1.2.0-1
  non-free: scilab-2.2-4
  contrib: xldlas-0.85-1

Joey Hess <joeyh@master.debian.org>:
  non-free: squake-1.09-1.1-4
  contrib: rvplayer-5.0b2-1
  non-free: xquake-1.09-1.0-4
  non-free: kmodplayer-0.3-1

Michael Alan Dorman <mdorman@debian.org>:
  non-free: glimpse-4.0-1
  non-free: swish-1.1.1-2

Christophe Le Bars <clebars@debian.org>:
  non-free: ocamltk-41-1
  non-free: mmm-0.40-2

Marco d'Itri <md@linux.it>:
  contrib: ifmail-2.12tx8.6-1(extra)
  contrib: binkd-0.9.1-1(extra)

Stuart Lamble <lamble@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au>:
  contrib: lyx-0.10.7-3

Steve Dunham <dunham@cps.msu.edu>:
  non-free: amaya-static-0.95-1
  contrib: xtar-smotif-1.4-2
  contrib: xtar-dmotif-1.4-2
  non-free: amaya-0.95-1
  non-free: thot-common-2.0b-1

Brian White <bcwhite@pobox.com>:
  contrib: netscape3-3.01-10
  contrib: netscape4-4.0-6
  non-free: ferret-1.2.1-1

Martin Schulze <joey@debian.org>:
  contrib: staroffice3-3.1-4
  non-free: libmsql1-1.0.16-7
  contrib: msqlperl-1:0.91-1
  non-free: rman-2.5a6-4
  non-free: msql-1.0.16-7
  contrib: libdbd-msql-perl-0.91-1
  contrib: libdbi-perl-0.89-1
  non-free: msqld-1.0.16-7
  non-free: xwpick-2.20-3

Sven Rudolph <sr1@inf.tu-dresden.de>:
  non-free: bigloo-1.8b-3

Steve McIntyre <stevem@chiark.greenend.org.uk>:
  non-free: xmikmod-0.01B-4

John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>:
  non-free: xsqlmenu-1.03-2

Dermot Bradley <bradley@gpl.net>:
  non-free: libgd1-1.2-3 (Upgrade in Incoming)

  non-free: tkman-1.8-2
  contrib: xephem-smotif-3.0-1
  non-free: chimera-1.65-4
  non-free: xarchie-2.0.10-6
  non-free: j1-7-7     (Old source format)
  non-free: mathpad-0.60-0
  non-free: rsynth-2.0-1(extra)
  non-free: imgstar-1.1-3

Igor Grobman <igor@debian.org>:
  non-free: circus-0.43-1

Pawel Wiecek <coven@pwr.wroc.pl>:
  non-free: mush-7.2.5unoff2-3

Klee Dienes <klee@debian.org>:
  contrib: swig-1.1.b5.p2-1
  non-free: acroread-3.0-1
  non-free: koules-1.3-2

Jay Kominek <jkominek@xtn.net>:
  non-free: ines-0.7-1

Lawrence Chim <ychim@debian.org>:
  contrib: metro-motif-lib-2.0-2(extra)
  contrib: metro-motif-demobin-2.0-2(extra)

Hanno Wagner <wagner@linux.de>:
  non-free: http-analyze-1.9e-2

Jim Pick <jim@jimpick.com>:
  non-free: jdk1.1-dev-1.1.3.v2-1
  non-free: jdk1.1-runtime-1.1.3.v2-1

Marco Budde <Budde@tu-harburg.d400.de>:
  non-free: l3-2.71-1

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