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Re: "purity" package

At 09:55 AM 11/29/97 -0600, you wrote:
>Christoph Lameter <chris@waterf.org> writes:
>> We have a policy against adult material on our servers at Fuller. Other
>> schools might have done the same. Adult material might cause a lot of
>> trouble especially in the United States (where in turn they see no
>> problem in having the worst violence day in day out on TV...) 
>Don't even get me started on that one.  A while back, I actually saw
>footage in the middle of the day on CNN as a man in Rowanda beheaded
>another with a machete.  They showed the whole thing (from a distance)
>and yet you can't show a naked body on TV for any reason.  What an
>idiotic set of values.  (Of course, that's what I get for watching

Personally, I believe showing violence is probably just as bad a showing
sex.  However, we as a society have gotten desensitized to violence (which
IMHO is probably a bad thing) while we (or most of us, at least in the US)
haven't gotten totally desensitized to sex.

>> I think we should have some common sense rules about particularly
>> offensive material.
>The problem is coming up with a definition of "common sense".  In some
>large cultures, just having a jpg of an uncovered woman's head in the
>credits of a program (i.e. cbb -- no offense, Curt :>) would be

it's probably difficult, maybe we should just decide as a group what's the
best thing to do by voting.  I agree it's hard to set a definition of what
should be "common sense", so we should let each developer have his own
common sense, and let developers say "I don't believe this pacakge should be
in the dist."  if their enough people (who are loud enough) to say that they
agree with him, have a vote announce it (maybe make a
debian-private-announce, meaning very important messages for developers, so
it won't get lost in the traffic) and vote on it.  Let each developers
conciense act together to form the concience of debian.  Hopefully people
who don't like the way the vote goes, can live with the decision and
continute to be active in debian.  I really hate for debian to lose
developers over stupid packages like this.  (which IMO detract from the
quality of debian).


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