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intent to package pppload, xoids, xscavenger

I'm going to package xoids, pppload and xscavenger:

xoids - asteroids with like super asteroids (packaged now but my ISP is down :-(
xscavenger - like Lode Runner
pppload - xload for ppp connections

I'm having problems compiling xload (it worked fine with libc5). It uses qt
and when I try and compile it I get this:

g++ -c -pipe -O2 -Wall -I/usr/X11R6/include/qt PPPStats.C
In file included from PPPStats.C:27:
/usr/include/linux/ppp_defs.h:94: parse error before ['
/usr/include/linux/ppp_defs.h:94: warning: ANSI C++ forbids declaration
ext_accm' with no type or storage class
/usr/include/linux/ppp_defs.h:110: syntax error before ;'
/usr/include/linux/ppp_defs.h:112: syntax error before ;'
[repeated lots]
PPPStats.C: In method void PPPStats::timerEvent(class QTimerEvent *)':
PPPStats.C:69: struct pppstat' has no member named ppp_ibytes'
[repeated for both ibytes and obytes]

Any ideas? TIA


email: adrian.bridgett@poboxes.com       | Debian Linux - www.debian.org
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