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JumpStart autoinstall clone for Linux

I just saw RedHat's write up for the up coming release of
RedHat Commercial Linux 5.0.  It includes what their calling
"kickstart" and sounds like they hit the mark.  No doubt its
modeled after JumpStart, but I couldn't get any details from
their web site.  The fact that its here already is a good
thing for linux.  But how does this impact debian?  We've
identified the need for such functionality, but haven't come
to agreement on how to provide it.  When we do, do we try to
be kickstart compatable or JumpStart compatable or either?

In any case I find it inspiring that Linux now has a
professional style, hands free network installation method.
As long as its GPL'd, I'm sure we could leverage it for our
benefit to some degree -- even if our autoinstall
implementation differs.  I'm very interested in this in
general, so I'll be looking into kickstart as soon as
documentation on it is available on the redhat web site.  If
anyone knows of another source for the kickstart details,
please let me know.



"Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living 
things, we will not ourselves find peace" -Albert Schweitzer

Richard G. Roberto

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