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New feature of erlangen upload queue

In the past it happened some times that people made mistakes with file
they uploaded to the queue at ftp.uni-erlangen.de. And they couldn't
fix this mistakes, because they couldn't delete/overwrite those files
then. (Some ways how this could be fixed were discussed here.)

To overcome this problem, I now implemented a feature of *.commands
files. This basically allows you to give the queue daemon 'rm' and
'mv' commands. A commands file must be PGP-signed by a known Debian
developer, just like a .changes, so that this write access to the
queue directory is limited to trusted people.

Please read the README file in the queue dir for more details how
that .commands files work.

The new release of the queue daemon (0.5) has been uploaded to master
and should appear in project/misc as soon as Guy installs it.


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