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Re: *-* rescue disk booting problems

From: Brandon Mitchell <bhmit1@mail.wm.edu>
> zImage... good idea.  I hope that helps people having install problems
> with the bzImage that still have problems with tecra (although I don't
> have an example at the time).

As far as I can tell  every one of these systems has a BIOS  bug in that
they don't invalidate cache after asserting the A20 gate.  Alan Cox
tells me there _are_ ways to reliably invalidate the cache, these bear

> two different bootable CDs... do we have to do it this way?  I'm not
> familiar with bootable cd's, but couldn't we install lilo with several
> different kernels, maybe a rescue mode, etc?

There already is a rescue mode, the CD boots to the rescue disk.
There are two CDs (maybe 3 eventually?) and it makes sense to make them
all bootable. However, I can get another kernel on each CD because the
El Torito standard will boot a 2.88 floppy image (essentially it makes the
CD look like a floppy to BIOS). So I can get at least 4 kernels in two CDs,
maybe six.


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