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Re: non-DFSG section and CD distributers

> This is not about dogma. It's about building a system that anyone can
> use and maintain and improve. If you loosen up the DFSG, you get locked
> into software that you can't control - for example you might have to
> stop using it if you go into business, you might switch window systems
> and be prohibited from using it, you might have a bug that you are
> unable to fix because the source isn't there or the license doesn't let
> you, or you might not be able to distribute or sell copies of the
> system you run.


that's exactly what I think! Let's have the goal of building a "system
that anyone ...". Let's formulate all the requirements for the
distribution clearly. Let's start from these requirements and decide on
the licenses which would allow the fulfilment of these requirements.
And I bet the resulting rules will be quite close to the current DFSG.
(Not everywhere though). But the gain would be that out policy would no
longer be a dogma of GPL'ing the world but practical and flexible guide. 


Alex Y.

 _( )_
(     (o___           +-------------------------------------------+
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