Re: man-db segfault: problem found (but need help for the solution :-)
Fabrizio Polacco <> writes:
> Why the hell the closed stdout _and_ stderr produce a redirection to a
> different stream?
> Can somebody help me to understand this?
I think I found the reason for this behavior. Try to strace man with
closed std*[1], and you'll get this:
open("/var/catman/", O_RDWR) = 2
and few lines after that:
write(2, "\rUpdating index cache for path "..., 50) = 50
Possible answer: 2 is usually stderr, but unfortunately, not this
Possible solution: test for std* on start of man, and reopen it.
> Thank you,
> Fabrizio
Hope this helps.
[1] How to strace man with closed std*, strace -o f man >&- 2>&- is
not working as expected...
Tomislav Vujec
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