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Re: qmail-src (was RFC: New source packaging format)

> One point is that not everyone has had qmail before. Those people
> do not expect /var/qmail thingie. At least make it optional.
> (Ask at configure time or something.) 

I thought about that, but concluded that it would be a mistake.

The reason is nothing to do with debian, it is to do with the qmail mailing 
list.  qmail has a very active mailing list where some very competent, but 
somewhat impatient people hang out.

If I get rid of /var/qmail, I know I would eventually see a thread on  
djb-qmail@koobera.math.uic.edu that would go like this:

Debianite:  How do I get qmail to do FOO ?

Qmailer:    You should edit /var/qmail/control/BAR

Debianite:  I don't have a /var/qmail/control/BAR file

Qmailer:    That's because you are a moron, and didn't install qmail right

Debianite:  But I just installed the standard Debian package

Qmailer:    Debian is a heap of steaming llama droppings

    etc. etc.

This would just be a waste of everyone's time, and I would almost certainly 
get the blame for it, so I'm keeping /var/qmail.

Cheers, Phil.

P.S.  I've got the first attempt at qmail-src ready, and will upload it today.
      I'd appreciate if people could grab it and have a play.
      It's still got rough edges, but I'd rather let people have a look early
      and tell me what they think.

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