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Re: mentors for new maintainers

Problems I see with this sugestion.

Implemented as a list:  Would subscription to the list version be private,
where all new maintainers would be automatically added?  At what point would
one be considered no longer a newbie?

Implemented with volunteer help:  This would make even more work for the
maintainers.  Also, each maintainer would end up sending single private
emails answering the same question over and over again.

I prefer the list method.  When someone becomes a new maintainer, they are
automatically added to the 'newbie' list, and are told to direct there
questions there.  After the maintainer feels comfortable, they could start
posting to devel.  At no point, however, should they be forbidden from
posting to devel, however.

Adam Heath
http://wwp.mirabilis.com/3375265  -- Page me

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