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Re: mentors for new maintainers

ioannis@flinet.com wrote:

> Yes, and they should pay. And the form of payment will be this:
> once the students completed their course of study, each of them shall 
> commit themselves and become instruction of others, the mentors for the
> next classes. And therefore, the school starts now, but will last for ever. 

I do not think this is a good idea.  Teaching newlings is a special
skill, and not all of us have that skill.  I would rather hope that a
good mentor will inspire his students to do what is best for Debian,
according to their own abilities and inclinations.  Surely there will
be a few new teachers among each group.

If future mentors perform their task out of a sense of obligation
rather than intrinsic interest then we will be the poorer for it,
because they would be far more useful doing something that suits them
better and because they are not likely to inspire their students in

Richard Braakman

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