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Re: qmail-src (was RFC: New source packaging format)

>>"Philip" == Philip Hands <phil@hands.com> writes:

Philip> Presumably I can do this by having the following packages:

Philip> qmail-src: contains the source

Philip> qmail-build: a pseudo package that depends on qmail-src, and
Philip> builds qmail.deb in its postinst.

	No, *NOT* in the postinst. Have it install a script make-qmail
 in /usr/sbin which does that, so I do not have to keep reinstalling
 the darn thing every time I tweak the configuration of the src
 package. Secondly, the build package should require no changes for
 each new version of qmail, I should not have to keep reinstalling it
 whenever new src packages are available.

Philip> Should qmail-build try to install the qmail_*.deb it creates ?
Philip> Should I have the binary package replacing the build pseudo
Philip> package ?

	No, and No. Just build the deb file. I'll install it when I
 have inspected this. The binary package is totally different from the
 package that contains the build script, and should have different

Philip> It might be nice to have qmail-build tidy up after itself and
Philip> remove the source after installation --- any ideas ?

	Again, no way. I installed the sources, I remove them. My
 first build may not be to my linking, I should be able to tweak the
 configuration parameters and rebuild until I am blue in the face. 

	I think packages that think they are smarter than the human
 and are control freaks are *evil*.


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