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Re: Let's be friends. (Non-maintainer uploads made easier)


	I have two comments on this:
 a) On a personal level, I feel uncomfortable assessing the competence
    level of people, and also feel I may be hurting feelings by any
    choices I make. This may be irrational, but I do feel that way.
 b) This is going to be done by convention anyway (unless you propose
    that dpkg-buildpackage refuse to build packages for non-friends
    ;-), so I see no reason to further bloat package files and the
    control headers with something like this. A better solution would
    be for the maintainers to register friends in a directory in
    master, and have dinstall consider them.

	Frankly, what is wrong with the current informal
 non-maintainer upload process? This should cover illness and
 vacations. Why do we need to restrict the set of people who may make
 non-maintainer uploads in general?

	Unless I am missing something, this proposal actually
 restricts the candidates for non-maintainer uploads; I also fail to
 see how it makes non-maintainer uploads any easier.

	Currently, I would only undertake a non-maintainer upload if I
 feel able and have the time. Having my name on a list will not make
 me either more able or give me more time (not having my name on the
 list may send me into raving depressiona and have me writhing and
 fainting in coils on main street ;-)

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