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Re: Making base libc5 free

Christoph Lameter wrote:
> I have noticed that bsdutils and procps are still depending on libc5 and
> have made non-maintainer releases for them. Shall I upload them?

I was considering making a procps release, and then Helmut Geyer popped up
and said he was going to make one soon. But I haven't heard from him

> Here is the changelog for psutils. I basically took the upstream release
> from sunsite copied the debian and psmisc directories over and added
> all the files I found missing and fixed the Makefiles.

Does this new version have support for color? The current procps does, but I
got the impression that was an experimental patch only in the debian
version. I'd really hate to go back to ps and top w/o color, now that I'm
used to it.

see shy jo

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