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Lessons (KDE & GNOME & Linux)

In article <[🔎] m0xNYCy-00IS1IC@golem.pixar.com> you wrote:
: From: Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca>
: > Though I can't help but feel sorry for groups like KDE that might get
: > mowed down simply because they went with QT.

: Let it be a lesson to those who come afterwards.

The support behind KDE is already that big that I do think the lesson to
be learned might be kind of different and to be learned by different
people. But lets see. I'd rather have all the linux developers focus
one ONE project that can bring a GUI about better than 95 rather than
having an endless squabble about licenses and other points of ideology.

Linus said that Linux success is due to the pragmatic approach taken to
UNIX software development and due to his insistence of not being bogged
down by insisting on "principles" or other central doctrines. This is
where I see a great danger of the Debian Project. The independant .deb
repository is a good way to have an outlet for creativity going beyond the
legalistic system Debian is generating.

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