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Re: Why does sendmail depend on procmail?

"Scott K. Ellis" <storm@gate.net> writes:
> 3.  Sendmail (which is the only MTA not using a builtin MDA by default) is
>     labeled as extra in its priority field.  An admin who actually
>     installs it instead of smail should probably understand that they
>     shouldn't yank its MDA out from under it.  

So on a related note, is smail orphaned? Or is the upstream package dead?
When i found a bug in smail i assumed it was just that i was still running
an out-dated version since i hadn't updated it in a long time. In fact no
new versions had come out and no new versions have come out since.  

The smail debian package on the archive is from the bo release. The file
timestamp is March 1997 but it's the same version i have installed and i'm
pretty sure i haven't touched it for much longer than that.


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