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majordomo and exim

Hi. I noticed today while configuring majordomo on a system running exim that
majordomo tries to use the -oee option to sendmail.
This option is not supported by exim, and causes majordomo to generate a rather cryptic error in the log that really doesnt tell the user anything about why the process didn't work.
My suggestion is this.
Does majordomo really need to use -oee on a sendmail system (the option is supposed to make sendmail exit with errorlevel 0 if it has nothing useful to say)
Is debian still encouraging users to use sendmail or do we want to actively steer them towards one of the more secure mailers?
and if the option really must stay, can we have something in the postinst for majordomo that edits /etc/majordomo.cf and takes out the -oee option if it is detected that exim is installed.
Other than that, majordomo integrates really nicely with exim.

Aaron Howell.	Q.U.T Equity Department, Technical Support/Training.
work: a.howell@qut.edu.au	Linux/Networking Support.
home: a.howell@student.qut.edu.au	phone +61-412-956-467
www: http://www2.cnl.com.au/~aaron	irc: DaRkAnGeL
Support the efforts of the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email. 
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