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Can't run Tk programs in Python (1.4.0-4, unstable)

I can't get any Tk programs to run in Python.  They all fail with the
error message below.  Are my shared libraries misconfigured (very likely),
or is this a bug?

Here is a sample (with unnecessary lines deleted):

$ python
Python 1.4 (Mar  4 1997)  [GCC Objective-C snapshot 960906]
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
>>> from Tkinter import *
python: can't resolve symbol 'XpmCreateXpmImageFromData'
python: can't resolve symbol '_IO_putc'
python: can't resolve symbol 'XpmFreeXpmImage'
python: can't resolve symbol 'XpmReadFileToXpmImage'
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "/usr/lib/python1.4/tkinter/Tkinter.py", line 11, in ?
    import tkinter
ImportError: No module named tkinter

$ dpkg -l python\* xpm\*     
un  python          <none>         (no description available)
ii  python-base     1.4.0-4        An interactive object-oriented scripting lan
ii  python-bsddb    1.4.0-4        BSD database support for Python.
ii  python-curses   1.4.0-4        Curses support libraries for Python.
ii  python-dev      1.4.0-4        Header files and development libraries for P
ii  python-doc      1.4.0-4        Documentation files for the scripting langua
ii  python-elisp    1.4.0-4        Emacs-lisp mode for the scripting language P
ii  python-examples 1.4.0-4        Examples for the scripting language Python.
ii  python-gdbm     1.4.0-4        GDBM database support for Python.
ii  python-misc     1.4.0-4        Miscellaneous support modules for Python.
ii  python-mpz      1.4.0-4        Multiple-precision arithmetic suppport for P
ii  python-net      1.4.0-4        TCP/IP and various Internet support modules 
ii  python-stdwin   1.4.0-4        Stdwin support for Python.
ii  python-tk       1.4.0-4        Tk support modules for Python.
pn  python-wpy      <none>         (no description available)

$ dpkg -l xpm\*
un  xpm             <none>         (no description available)
pn  xpm-bin         <none>         (no description available)
un  xpm-dev         <none>         (no description available)
un  xpm4            <none>         (no description available)
pn  xpm4-altdev     <none>         (no description available)
un  xpm4-dev        <none>         (no description available)
ii  xpm4.7          3.4j-0.4       X Pixmap libraries (for libc5) - runtime
pn  xpm4.7-dev      <none>         (no description available)
ii  xpm4g           3.4j-0.4       X Pixmap libraries (for libc6) - runtime
pn  xpm4g-dev       <none>         (no description available)
un  xpmR6           <none>         (no description available)

$ dpkg -s python-base python-tk
Package: python-base
Status: install ok installed
Version: 1.4.0-4
Provides: python
Depends: libc5 (>= 5.4.0-0), libdl1, libreadline2 (>= 2.1), ncurses3.0

Package: python-tk
Status: install ok installed
Version: 1.4.0-4
Depends: python-base (= 1.4.0-4), libc5 (>= 5.4.0-0), tcl76 (>= 7.6-1), tk42 (>= 4.2-1), xlib6 (>= 3.2-0)

$ dpkg -l libc5 tcl76 tk42 xlib6 libdl1 libreadline2 ncurses3.0
ii  libc5           5.4.33-7       The Linux C library version 5 (run-time libr
hi  tcl76           7.6p2-4        The Tool Command Language (TCL) v7.6 - Run-T
hi  tk42            4.2p2-4        The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 v4.2 - Run-Ti
hi  xlib6           3.3-4          Shared libraries required by X clients
un  libdl1          <none>         (no description available)
hi  libreadline2    2.1-2.1        GNU readline and history libraries, run-time
ii  ncurses3.0      1.9.9e-2       Old libc5 curses - shared libraries

$ ls -l /usr/lib/python1.4/tkinter/Tkinter.py
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root        54890 Mar  4  1997
$ ls -l /usr/lib/python1.4/sharedmodules/_tkinter.so
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root        23168 Mar  4  1997

I can import other things from the sharedmodules directory, so it's not a
pythonpath problem.


************** MICHAEL SCOTT ORR <mso@jimpick.com> *****************
*    *  1405 NE 56th Street, Seattle, WA 98105 USA     *   English *
*    *  Tel: +1 (206) 522-9627, fax: 328-6209          *    Russki * 
*    *  Work: mso@u.washington.edu                     * Esperanto *
***************** (Insert silly quote here) ************************

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