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Re: Problems with a big package

>>>>> On Wed, 24 Sep 1997 11:23:32 +0200 (MET DST), ediaz@tsc.uvigo.es (Eduardo Diaz TSC) said:

 Eduardo> Hi!  I4ve just made a debian package with the ptolemy
 Eduardo> software, but have found some problems. The whole
 Eduardo> uncompressed package needs around 110 Mbs, and the ".deb"
 Eduardo> uses 28Mbs (great compresion, isn4t it?).  The problem
 Eduardo> arises when trying to install it, as it gives out something
 Eduardo> like

 Eduardo> "corrupted filesystem tarfile"

 Eduardo> You may think that the package is corrupted, but it is
 Eduardo> not. Unpacking it manually (ar x ptolemy.deb; tar zxvf
 Eduardo> data.tar.gz) works ok... but dpkg seems to be unable to
 Eduardo> extract the files. It stops after the first 34 Mbs.

 Eduardo> Is this a bug in dpkg or am I doing something wrong?

 Eduardo> Please answer asap, as the release of this package is
 Eduardo> urgent.

Until a real solution is found you might try breaking the package up
into parts.  Splitting out docs, and any architecture independent
files (I don't know even if there are any, but anything that big...:)
from the main package may help.


@James LewisMoss <dres@dimensional.com> |  Blessed Be!
@    http://www.dimensional.com/~dres   |  Linux is cool!
@"Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours." Bach

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