Re: Where is clock?
On Tue 23 Sep 1997, Michael Meskes wrote:
> The clock binary seems to be gone. I cannot find it anymore. I'm not sure to
> which package it belonged, but it seems this package has lost it.
aj@dungeon:~/Mail$ /sbin/clock
clock: unable to get I/O port access: Operation not permitted
aj@dungeon:~/Mail$ dpkg -S /sbin/clock
util-linux: /sbin/clock
aj@dungeon:~/Mail$ dpkg -s util-linux
Package: util-linux
Essential: yes
Status: install ok installed
Priority: required
Section: base
Installed-Size: 325
Maintainer: Guy Maor <>
Version: 2.5-12
Replaces: miscutils, setterm
Pre-Depends: libc5 (>= 5.4.0-0), ncurses3.0
Conflicts: setterm
Description: Miscellaneous system utilities.
A mixed bag of system utilities: arch chkdupexe cfdisk clock cytune
dmesg fdisk fsck.minix getopt hostid ipcrm ipcs kbdrate mcookie mkfs
mkfs.minix mkswap more namei rdev setterm setsid sync tunelp whereis.
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