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Free Software Development

Free software developers do what they want. And they do it, because it's
fun for them.

This will not work in free software community :
 - flames. we all know the "d" key.
 - push them to do something. hey, you can't dismiss them, or give them
   less money. you have nothing you can use to threaten them.

If a free developer does not like, what you are doing, in the best case
he will ignore you, in the worst case he stop writing free software,
because it's no longer fun to him.

This works in free software community :
 - Offer help
 - write patches
 - be friendly

please think about this. and stop "making fire", stop telling how other
people should work, stop writing flames. if you write friendly emails,
they will listen to you. in the worst case they say no, but you chances
are good, that something better happends. if you write unfriendly email,
they will deleted or never replied. 

think : what do you want to do, if someone sais "no" ? you can start you
own project, but thats not the best solution. you can flame him, write
dozends of email, whatever : it won't help. 

please think about free software, and what it is.


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