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Re: Uploaded kernel-package 3.38 (source all) to master

In article <[🔎] 34213F18.3315EDB4@verisim.com> you wrote:

: It sounds good to me!  I've always run make-kpkg directly on kernel source
: downloaded from a mirror site instead of from Debian, so I'm not quite
: sure what you mean by "kernel-package is aware of kernel-patch-<NAME>
: packages".

You must only have x86 systems, then...  :-)

The purpose is primarily to support architecture-specific patches to the kernel
which are a necessity for sparc/alpha/etc.  It's an excellant idea, I've
forwarded a copy of the note to the debian-alpha list, where the question of
how to handle architecture-specific patches has been a hot topic recently.  In
a perfect world, there wouldn't be any, but it isn't a perfect world...


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