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Control files and md5sums (was: md5checksums and debstd)

[ Appologies if I get my facts grossly wrong here; I don't use debmake
  and friends at all.  ]

From: Adrian Bridgett <adrian.bridgett@poboxes.com>

>I like debstd (although I find it hard to figure out what it is going to
>do half the time). However someone (Christian Schwarz?) mentioned that
>you should build the package after calling debstd as debstd generates the
>md5 checksums.

This sounds like something's not being done right.  I would have
thought that "dpkg-deb --build" should be generating the md5sums.  This
would ensure that these sums were correct and up-to-date, and that they
would appear in all packages, not only debmake'd ones.

Another file which would be useful to put into the control area: 'du'.
This would be a 'du' listing of the data area of the package (which
listing should be pretty small and compressible compared with the data
area itself) and would allow a package management tool to -accurately-
predict the space needed by the package, no matter what the layout of
mount points on the machine.

Having seen the Sun Netra's package management tool in action (all done
via HTTP!), I'm fairly sure this is the approach they've taken.

Submitted for your consideration...

--Charles Briscoe-Smith
White pages entry, with PGP key: <URL:http://alethea.ukc.ac.uk/wp?95cpb4>
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