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Re: man postfix

Christian Schwarz wrote:
> Why do you want to use isdn as a postfix? As I understand FSSTND
> section 4.9, only "mh" and "x" should be used as postfix.
> I would say: non-X isdn programs' manpages should go to
> /usr/man/man[1-8] with postfix [1-8], X isdn programs' manpages
> should go to /usr/X11R6/man/man[1-8] with postfix [1-8]x .

My opinion is that only big packages which have several manpages (or
names that are already present) should have a postfix (like mh and x).

Anyway, in mandb code there is a list of 56 postfixes going from 1bind,
3paper, 3readline and 3ncurses, just to tell few.

The problem is that actually their order for search is hardcoded, so I
should know about new postfix added.

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