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Translation of Description


We are translating Desctiption in the available/status files into
Japanese.  And I made the program which exchanges Description as the
localized one in the available/status files. 

The name of the program is 'chdesc', and you can get from

    (perl script)

and the small document is here:


In order to use 'chdesc', we prepare the localized description files
in the directory

    /var/lib/dpkg/locale/<LANG>/ ,

and then, 'chdesc on' makes the descriptions in available/status files 
localized, the original descriptions are copied in

'chdesc off' makes the descriptions in the files original.

Each localized descrption file of the packages are like below:

(ex.) glut-dev package
Description: Development library for GLUT.               TYPE-A
 Includes headers, man pages, and static library.

Version: 3.3-4
Description: Development library for GLUT. for 3.3-4     TYPE-B
 Includes headers, man pages, and static library.

Version: 3.3-3
Description: Development library for GLUT. for 3.3-3     TYPE-C
 Includes headers, man pages, and static library.

If the version of the glut-dev package is below '3.3-3', then the
third one(TYPE-C) is used.

If the version of the glut-dev pakcage is below '3.3-4' and newer than 
'3.3-3', then the second one(TYPE-B) is used.

If the version is newer than '3.3-4'(including the latest), the first
one(TYPE-A) is used.

The more things are described in the document.

I made 'chdesc' as the temporary solution for the deity, because I
think a lot of users want to use the localized descriptions as soon as
possible when they select the packages.

I hope the format of the localized description files will use in the

I have some questions.

  (1) The chdesc uses 'LANG' environment as the locale name, but
      should use the locale.alias. Where can 'chdesc' looking for?
      There is the 'locale.alias' file in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale,
      but we must install X to use it.

  (2) Is the format of the localized descrioption files appropriate?



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