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Re: debian.novare.net and mirrors

Steve Dunham writes:

> > Many thanks to everyone involved in moving things from
> > master.debian.org to debian.novare.net.
> > 
> > However, not surprisingly all of the file times in the ftp archive to
> > have changed in the move.  This could cause havoc for mirrors by making
> > them re-transfer everything.
> People running mirrors, who have an account on debian.novare.net, might
> want to consider using "rsync" to update their trees before running
> mirror again.  It should be able to match up the file dates with a
> minimal amount of net traffic.  
> (It uses a rather nifty protocol that does the equivalent of "diff" 
> while minimizing network traffic.)

Alternatively you can run your mirror using the -T (timestamp) switch
to mirror.  Mirror will only set the new timestamps but not get any
file at all (except for one ls-lR of course).



  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
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