Re: Insecure admin scripts with /tmp temp files
> 1. Setuid programs and those programs run only with privileged uid
> (daemons, admin) should not use publicly writable directories for temp
> files, instead they should use a dedicated directory with uid only access.
> For cases like paperconfig, where the temporary file will ultimately
> replace a config file in /etc, /etc/* might be a good choice.
> There's a new problem though, deleting leftover files.
How about standardising on something like a directory in /tmp
[root] palm:~# ls -ld /tmp/root
drw------- 2 root root 1024 Jul 31 11:14 /tmp/root
This could be extended to other users, with a program to safely create the
directory if it does not already exist. This still allows the /tmp area to be
cleared out at bootup, and so gets rid of leftover files.
Cheers, Phil.
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