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Re: We should help this guy...

>The UK Unix Group want to promote Linux on the front cover CD of PC
>magazines. We think the following would be useful

I also don't really like the idea of splitting into ~100 Mb pieces. Though I
think it could be workable by, for example, sorting the packages according
to the Essential and Priority fields (first essential+required+important,
then standard, then optional, then extra; or move standard into the first
CD, if it fits).

I guess dselect (or deity...) would have to be modified a bit to use
incomplete or broken-into-parts distributions smoothly; but I think that
would be a good feature anyway. (For example, if someone wants to install
Debian by downloading packages onto a single 100 Mb Iomega disk, installing
and erasing the previous disk before downloading the next batch.)

Another possible problem also occured to me: The GPL requires that source
code be distributed too, so the magazine would need to offer some form of
source distribution. Or would it be enough to refer people who want source
to a commercial Linux CD distributor (perhaps giving the addresses of one or
a couple)?

(But I would really like it if a big magazine gave out a Linux CD on its
cover (though I'd prefer a full Linux CD with no Windows shareware on it). I
think Byte did this once, long ago.)

-=- Rjs -=- rjs@spider.compart.fi, rjs@lloke.dna.fi

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