Re: Should packages depend on cron?
On Jul 27, Christian Schwarz <> wrote:
> Ok, we can only suggest anacron, if that's the only problem. As noone else
> objected, I think we should implement this:
> [details *snipped*]
> Steve, do you agree?
I don't object, but I'd like to have a few people run this way for a
couple of weeks, and work out any problems before we unleash it the
world. I'll do so, but I don't have lot going on my system -- log
rotation is about it, and may not pick up on any flaws ( I'm not saying
there *are* flaws, but I may not be able to correctly judge).
The Mole - I think, therefore I scream
"So that's it in a nutshell,
Phil. We're here to take
over your planet and enslave
all you goobers what live
"Never mind that -- what
about *women's issues*?
What do you think about
equal pay? I could just
[Phil Donahue talks to alien invaders in WHAT TH...?!, a completely
forgettable comic]
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