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Unidentified subject!

In message <[🔎]>, writes:
  >but !!! i used to use a system (that i still have in the closet) called
  >calma that ran on a HP Apollo 5500 work satiation and i think it used HP,s
  >UNIX 10.35 opp  (3 opps combined in one bsd,agies,? ) so the big question
  >is can i transfer this cda/cam system to a pc with linux and in time make
  >run on a pc 

If you don't have the source code, the answer is almost certainly no. That
program will have been compiled for an HP, which uses a different processor
than pcs.  HP compiled code won't run on a pc.


  >	the other question i have is , is it yet possible by some means to run
  >windows from our beloved MS on linux ( my personal settlement is   "i hate
  >ms"  but i have a business to run and they supply the stuff that sort of
  >does the job)

There are 3 possibilities that I know of: 

1. WINE is free software that is currently under development.  I believe
   that it will now run a number of Windows programs, but that it is not
   yet reliable.

2. dosemu provides a DOS environment under Linux; it may be possible to
   run Windows within it.  Again, dosemu is still under development.

3. There was recently announced a package developed by someone associated
   with or taken over by Caldera (???)  (Can anyone confirm that or be
   more specific?)

I don't think that there is anything that will run Win95 or NT programs.

Oliver Elphick                                Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight                                  http://lfix.co.uk/oliver

     Make it idiot-proof, and someone will breed a better idiot.

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