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Where in hell is 'gettext' ?

Currently, I can see the gettext package only in 'rex', and its
version is 0.10.24-1. There is none in bo and hamm. I heard there has
been a package for 0.10.26, but it seems to not be around any more.

Further more, libc6-dev is said to "Provide: gettext (<= 0.10.26-1)",
but it at most contains the include files, as well as the necessary
functions in the library.

So where are the binaries (xgettext, msgmerge, etc.) ? There are no
other Provides: or Replaces: field saying "gettext" in whole hamm !
...and anyway, I can't think if any package in the list that would be
susceptible of providing them, and that's not installed on my system!

Yann Dirson <dirson@univ-mlv.fr>

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