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Re: Documentation server security issues

Buddha Buck wrote:
>> > >On Jul 7, Riku Saikkonen wrote
>> > >>   An HTTP server listening on any TCP port is not secure, even
>> > >>   if you configure it to only allow accesses from the local host.
>I think I understand what Riku is saying... Lets see if I can explain 
>attractive.  One of which is a link to "http://localhost/carefully-chose
>n-data".  Of course, it's labeled "COPS" or "Kuang Ice Breaker" (an 
>The next thing that happens is that -I- contact the vulnerable web 
>server, from within any fire walls, bound sockets, etc, that might 
>prevent the black hats from breaking in, sending -his- chosen sequence. 

Yes, this is exactly what I was talking about. Thanks for the nice
explanation. :)

Anyway, if, as Christian said, the documentation server is optional, then
I'm content. I'll still help minimise the danger by checking the code if
someone decides to write a tiny server.

(I think I found a buffer overflow problem in the short server code someone
posted to debian-devel a few days ago (something to do with strcat()ing to
fn, I think it was), but didn't look at it more carefully because I thought
that it was alpha code anyway. If whoever wrote it is listening and wants me
to check the code, mail it to me. :)) (I really should save interesting
mailing list messages more often...)

-=- Rjs -=- rjs@spider.compart.fi, rjs@lloke.dna.fi

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