Re: long list of give away or orphaned packages
On Tue, 27 May 1997, Vincent Renardias wrote:
> On Tue, 27 May 1997, Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:
> > the list of debian packges needing a new maintainer is growing all the
> > time. so - what about removeing some packages, if they are no longer
> > maintained, or (better) moving them into section contrib (or a new
> > section "orphaned" ?).
> This is exactly what we planned to do. _(;
> The work on this should begin as soon as 1.3 is released. (one problem at
> a time ;)
> > it will be better for debian to have less packages but good maintained
> > ones, than to have many packages not being good maintained. debian has a
> > good name - orphaned packages can destroy it. but people have put a lot
> > of work in some packages, so we shouldn't delete them. a section
> > orphaned or so would be one way, to still provide them (maybe as a
> > staring point for new packages), but not drop them entirely.
> >
> > what do you think ?
> The new section should appear in the archive under the directory
> "project/orpahned". It will store the binary/sources of orphaned
> packages, but also the bug reports of the dropped packages.
But please don't mix "orphaned" packages with "give-away" packages. I have
a few "give-away" packages on the list but I'll maintain these unless
someone else takes them.
-- _,, Christian Schwarz
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