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Re: fvwm2 menus burned

>>>>> "joost" == joost witteveen <joost@rulcmc.leidenuniv.nl> writes:

    >> I did that.  But now something keeps adding a DestroyMenu
    >> MainMenu to the "/etc/X11/fvwm2/menudefs.hook" file, so my
    >> premainmenu.hook stuff gets wiped out by it.  It started after
    >> the last upgrade, to the BETA version.  I have `bug` reported
    >> it.

    joost> Menu-1.0 (to be released shortly) will add "this is a
    joost> auto-generated file, don't edit" at the top of
    joost> /etc/x11/fvwm2/menudefs.hook.

 The Menu package should NOT put the MainMenu definition into the
menudefs.hook file!  That is not where they belong.  They belong
inside the main-menu.hook file, which should have an AddToMenu
MainMenu placed at the top, to prevent those entries from getting
tacked onto the last menu defined in the user's
~/.fvwm2/main-menu.hook file.

 Every time that menu runs its thing and regenerates the menus, it
puts a DestroyMenu MainMenu and definitions for the MainMenu into
menudefs.hook, and also creates a main-menu.hook file with no
AddToMenu MainMenu at the top.  This loses my main-menu-pre.hook
menus, and tacks a second copy of the main menu onto the end of my
last menu item.

 To fix the breakage, I have to delete the last section of
menudefs.hook, removing all of the MainMenu stuff in there, and then
add an AddToMenu MainMenu to the top of the main-menu.hook file.

Karl M. Hegbloom <karlheg@inetarena.com>
Portland, OR  USA
Debian GNU 1.2  Linux 2.0.30t
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