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AW: AW: Packages still containing a.out binaries

I'm sorry Mark. I should have been more precise. I meant to say compile
dlltools in ELF. There's no big problem having ELF binaries creating
AOUT libraries. My only problem was that my hacked version didn't
compile libc 4.7.6 correctly. But then I never tried the original tools.
Maybe they won't do it either. I'll check that.


>Von: 	Mark Eichin[SMTP:eichin@cygnus.com]
>Gesendet: 	Dienstag, 25. Februar 1997 19:01
>An: 	Michael Meskes
>Cc: 	'Steve McIntyre'; 'Mark Eichin'; 'debian-devel@lists.debian.org'
>Betreff: 	Re: AW: Packages still containing a.out binaries
>> WHy don't you make it a cross-compilation tool? That's just a small and
>What specifically do you mean by that?  (none of the non-x86 linux
>hosts actually need a.out, do they?)
>> libc-4.7.6 with either version.
>Ah, if libc-4.7.6 uses it as part of the build process, I can look at
>that as a test case.  Can you do me a favor and file that failure as a
>bug report?

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