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Re: old ksmbfs?

On Fri, 21 Feb 1997, Christian Schwarz wrote:

> I just had a look at c.o.l.dev.system and found the following article:
> > Complaints and Compliments To Debian
> > Complaint:  The "ksmbfs" package that is currently shipping in
> > the Debian-1.2-stable distribution is ridiculously out of date.
> > It needs to be removed from that distribution or else upgraded.
> > The person listed as maintainer tells me that he relinquished
> > that position long ago.  What gives?  I thought Debian had a
> > nice system for developers to keep track of who is responsible
> > for what.

Checked on master, and:

1/ It seems like the package has not been updated since 1 yr.

2/ Its maintainer doesn't have any account on master any more.

Sven, can you add this one on your list?


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