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Maintainer Diffs generating new directories

On 26 Jan 1997, Guy Maor wrote:

maor >Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net> writes:
maor >
maor >> I have no problem modifying the packaging system, but to do it by
maor >> individual initiative is to invite disaster.
maor >
maor >Well said.

To keep things going the way they are is already a desaster. What we have
now is the following situation:

If the maintainer adds directories to a package then dpkg-buildpackage
will just run fine. The maintainer does not get any warning at all,
uploads the packages and thinks all is fine.

Then someone else gets the package and tries a dpkg-source -x to retrieve
it. And he cannot because dpkg-source -x has been crippled to not allow
what would be possible on most UNIX systems and on all Linux systems:
Apply a patch which adds directories.

At least the check for additional directories needs to be made when
building a .diff.gz and not when extracting the sourcecode!

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